Success stories

Huda Ali Al-Mansoori

Fifth Batch

A chemical engineer with a master’s degree in environmental sciences and a PhD in Environmental Sustainability Engineering, a lover of volunteer work and community service, a member of the Emirates Creativity Association and Head of the Community Happiness Department, I have worked in the government sector in several federal and local authorities with nearly ten years of experience in the field of Engineering.

Article title: When you feel that you are truly a champion!!!

By volunteering, you express, without words or slogans, the true meaning of the word Human Fraternity in its highest essence.

I do not deny the intense fear that swept me and my family members when we heard about the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of numbers, statistics and information that all confirm the seriousness of the disease, the difficulty in handling it and its ability to kill a human life, and with fear emerging in me, I began to confront my fears firstly with myself, then with members of my family, then I thought of others outside the family whose cognitive, societal and material capabilities stand in the way of understanding this disease as well as dealing with it. At this moment, I just thought that there must be a way where I can contribute and help. What I knew and studied about tolerance, coexistence and human fraternity must have some use for on the ground, the magic word was ‘volunteering’ to help support all those who are facing the pandemic with courage and dedication from the medical and logistical teams within the UAE.

It was indeed a difficult decision to get out of the house that protects me from the pandemic, and from the place where I can take all the precautionary measures to protect myself. There were very high rates of possibility of infection, the situation for me was like going out to a real battlefield, but the steps that followed were much easierwe were stationed with the medical teams to carry out prevention, protection and testing. I found many Emiratis posted with me, each of us dedicated to raising awareness and providing support according to a clear mechanism that was set by the authorities that were keen to protect us and support and care for the infected.

It was an exceptional experience in the truest sense of the word, for a moment a person discovers themselves, discovers that he/she is just a small part in a huge world, you discover a lot about your weaknesses, and your ability to give. While fasting in Ramadan, you face all that and you are confident that God will protect you, because by your volunteering, you express without words or slogans the true meaning of the word human fraternity.

I am still proud of the experience, and I would repeat it over and over again. I truly felt that I was a champion in a real battle. Believe me, at that moment I felt the real meaning of the champions of tolerance.

And for those who would like details, the story began on the day I received a call that I had been eagerly waiting for.
I was called by the Abu Dhabi Health Authority to participate in the volunteering team “Emirati Marshals” –as I had previously submitted a request expressing my desire to volunteer in the frontlines of the pandemic and support the first lines of defense at the National Screening Center for the Covid-19 virus in Sharjah, the team’s main goal was supporting the doctors and medical staff, in facilitating examinations; To promote public health and fight this pandemic.
My mission started daily five days from Sunday to Thursday from 10 am to 6 pm at the National Screening Center in Sharjah, I organized the entry and exit paths of vehicles in the designated paths within the screening center according to the approved mechanisms, as well as assisting individuals in registering and checking temperatures and guiding them to the following step.
In order to facilitate the procedures for registration and medical screening the color of the sticker on the vehicles is verified, as the green color sticker indicates that it is exempt from fees for the following categories: senior citizens, people of determination and chronic disease patientsas well as, pregnant women, while the yellow sticker on the vehicle indicates that the payment of the screening fee has been madethrough the smart application of SEHA, and is allowed entry to the center via specific paths for each category, in order to facilitate registration and examination for each category.
It was a truly exceptional experience, as I felt the efforts of all segments of society that rushed to volunteer with us at the center, from citizens to residents, despite fasting during the holy month of Ramadan and the hot weather and choosing to spend the Eid al-Fitr holidayat the screening center with the volunteer team instead of spending it with their families; This confirms the success of our leaders and our government in consolidating the concept of social responsibility among various members of society, especially during crises and disasters.
This experience taught me to promote the concept of Tolerance and the application of Coexistence with all members of society through cooperation with my fellow volunteers of various Arab and foreign nationalities, in addition to aiding and serving the public through the screening center’s visitors from various different nationalities, whether they were residents or visitors, facilitating procedures and speedy assistance.
joining the volunteering program during this critical period, is considered one of my greatest achievements during this crisis, stemming from my love and belonging to the UAE and an attempt to return a small favor to my beautiful country.

May God keep our country safe and secure, and may God prolong the life of our wise leadership and protect the people of the UAE.